Ashley Whitlock
Hampshire & IOW Butterflies and Moths
Hampshire Butterfly Moth Flora and Fauna Presentations
by Ashley Whitlock A.R.P.S J.S.A.P

All presentations last between One hour and One and half hours with a break in between . Any proceeds go to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Butterfly Conservation.

Hampshire is blessed with some of the biggest colonies of this beautiful butterfly seen on scrubby chalk downland and in open woodland. This talk charts its history and why we nearly lost it, due to management and habitat loss

I've been Co-ordinator for these two species in Hampshire now since 1999, and in that time they have undergone some fundamental changes, especially the Duke of Burgundy. I fly the flag for these two species every year, and try to get recorders and field trippers to see this species as they are both, not easy to observe in the field.


I was in the Royal Navy for 25 years and travelled the world many times, and in that time saw some magnificent places and flora and fauna. Being a photographer I have recorded many places that I have seen and I share some of these places with my audience, and telling them my photo techniques in the field.


Everybody's favourite butterfly to see in the field, but it's very elusive and shy and can be unwilling to show itself. I try to break down the barriers on how to observe it, its history and what to look for when entering its domain.

This is the most popular talk I give as it covers all the major butterflies to be seen on chalk downland, and woodland . Also covered are species we have lost and other species which are rare and could possibly become part of out flora and fauna.

Not everybody's cup of tea, but there are hundreds of moths to be seen in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and many of these are day-flying moths. Obviously this talk cannot hope to cover all of them, and I also cover some of the night-flying ones, as well and explain about moth traps and where to put them to get the best chance of seeing a good variety in your trap.